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Zycolchin 0.5 mg Tablet


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About Zycolchin 0.5 mg

  • Zycolchin 0.5mg medication belongs to a class of anti-gout agents, comprising active agent colchicine. It is used to prevent or remediate gout attacks and FMF (familial Mediterranean fever). The user should begin with low doses and increase the doses gradually. It is an FDA-approved medication entirely safe to use under a doctor’s suggestion. However, it is not suitable to use this tablet for users suffering from kidney and liver problems.

Zycolchin 0.5 mg Used for:

  • Zycolchin 0.5 mg is an effective medication used for the remediation of gout attacks. This attack usually takes place because of the excessive uric acid in the blood vessels. Gout produces painful inflammation attacks in one or more of the affected joints. 
  • Zycolchin is specially prescribed as it is potent in reducing swelling, pain, and inflammation of the gout attack. This tablet is compelling for users who do not consume other anti-inflammatory medications and do not use other tablets to prevent and treat gout.
Alternative Brand Here: Colchiheal 0.5 (Colchicine)

How does Zycolchin 200 work?

  • Zycolchin medication comprises colchicine. It is alkaloid phenanthrene imitative acquired originally from the colchicum plant. Colchicine in Zycolchin 200 medication takes action on inflammatory leucocytes and hinders these cells’ movement to enter into the inflammatory area like inflammation produced by uric acid crystals. 
  • Moreover, colchicine in Zycolchin 200 hinders the ingestion of uric acid crystals by inflammatory cells, which is the path that external objects are generally disposed of. This reaction of colchicine in Zycolchin 200 medication minimizes the amount of inflammatory substance rescued by these cells and assist in breaking the inflammation cycle.

Zycolchin 0.5 mg cost:

  • Zycolchin 0.5 mg medication price differs from store to store, and its prices also depend on the strip count you opt to purchase. For instance, 100 tablets strips cost 2537.45 INR. Use the valid doctor’s prescription for purchasing Zycolchin 0.5 mg to avoid any side effects of it. And opt for the specified dosage strength properly.

How should Zycolchin 0.5 MG be used?

  • Zycolchin medication is potent against preventing and remediating gout attacks. It minimizes inflammation which produces swelling, pain, and other signs of gout.
  • Zycolchin tablet is an oral medication and must be taken orally with clean water to get the best benefit out of it.
  • Zycolchin medicine’s effectiveness is independent of whether it is used with or without a meal. So you can take it either prior to meal or post-meal.
  • It would be helpful if you consume it regularly and at the exact time each day to avail yourself of the maximum benefit of it.
  • Keep using the tablet as the doctor specifies it, and complete the dosage until your treatment course, even if your condition gets better. If you stop in between, the symptoms may rise back and make it worsen.


  • The standard recommended dosage of Zycolchin to prevent or remediate gout attacks is 0.6 mg once or twice regularly. The maximum dosage is 1.2 mg per day. Zycolchin is an oral medication; however, the drug effectiveness is irrespective of you use it with or without a meal.
  • Use Zycolchin medicine as it is specified and avoid skipping doses. If you use this dose entire the prescribed treatment, you will see the best results. To avail yourself of the maximum benefits of medication, adopt a healthy diet to avoid lots of sugar consumption and alcohol.

Missed Dose:

  • Do not miss uptaking the Zycolchin 0.5 dosage at any cost. Take at the regular time you have scheduled to use the medicine. If you miss ingesting the dosage accidentally, take it as soon as it clicked your mind. Check whether the dosage timeline for the next tablet is not near; if it is, kindly skips the uptake of the dose and wait for the following schedule. Do not double up the dosage at any cost.

Zycolchin 0.5 mg over the counter:

Zycolchin 0.5 is a medically specified medication, and it is illegal to purchase the tablet over the counter. However, in the United States, Zycolchin 0.5 medication can’t be availed through the local pharmacies. It can be attained only through online medicinal websites with legitimate doctor’s prescriptions.

What Precautions need to take?

  • Some precautious measures need to be taken while and before using the Zycolchin 0.5 mg medication. It is highly sensitive to older patients, so proper doctor guidance is needed.
  • Before initiating the treatment with Zycolchin 0.5 medicine, the users must attentively detail their current intake of prescription, non-prescription drugs, vitamin, and herbal supplements to prevent future consequences.
  • Thoroughly read all the medicinal guidelines given in the tablet to know about the contradictions and interactions involved with the Zycolchin 0.5 tablet.
  • If you are allergy to an active agent or any of its ingredient, users must stop using this tablet promptly, and discuss with their doctor
  • If you have any of these symptoms, like vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain, observe them keenly; if it gets faded in a week, no issues. If not, consult with the doctor immediately.

Zycolchin 0.5 mg interactions:

The drug’s interaction differs from individual to individual. Users are asked to observe all the medicinal interactions keenly before beginning the treatment with Zycolchin 0.5 medication.

  • Discuss with the doctor all the possible risks and interactions to avoid consequences.
  • Atorvastatin, metronidazole, azole antifungal components, and digoxin, are medicines with dreadful interaction with Zycolchin medicine.
  • Zycolchin 0.5 medication should be utilized attentively because of the increased risk of bone marrow breakdown. However, these complications can be prevented by regularly monitoring the blood counts.
  • Users with cardiac dysfunction must be cautious while using Zyolchin 0.5. The drug you use to treat heart disease will significantly impact if taken simultaneously with Zycolchin 0.5.
  • Zycolchin 0.5 may interfere with lab test results. Kindly inform the lab staff priorly.

Zycolchin 0.5 mg warnings:

Following are the general warnings that need to be considered by the users and take precautious measures accordingly before and while Zycolchin 0.5 mg medication:

  • Discuss your health history briefly with your doctor because a slight mistake will cost your life.
  • Zycolchin 0.5 is not suitable to use by the conceived women.
  • Zycolchin 0.5 has proved to pass through the breast milk, which will be a risk for the nursery infants. Hence, it is strictly not recommended to use by breastfeeding women unless it is required. It is advisable to consume this medicine after breastfeeding the child to reduce the infant’s exposure.
  • Do not use grape or alcohol while using Zycolchin 0.5. It might be fatal.
  • This tablet can cause rhabdomyolysis and neuromuscular noxiousness, specifically in old age users who got kidney disease. It is preferable to begin that treatment at low dosage strength and increase slowly based on your body response. However, these symptoms will fade in a week or more after discontinuing the treatment with medicine.
  • Zycolchin is likely to produce potential risk in children and adults who used more doses beyond prescribed, which might be fatal. It is a strict warning to store the medicine at a safe distance from children.
  • Electrolyte disruption is the other primary reason for this tablet. This tablet should be consumed with precautious measures due to the possible risk of vomiting. This impact causes a variation in the potassium and sodium levels. So it is necessary to have a keen observation on an electrolyte level and only begin the treatment after the electrolyte level gets corrected. 
  • Do not perform any heavy exercise as it raises the possibility of joint pain. Instead, it is preferable to do low-impact aerobic exercise, such as bike riding, treadmill, swimming, and stretching. By lifting light weights, you can also go for strengthening your muscles.
Alternative Choice Here: Ivermectin 12 Mg | Ivermectin 6 Mg | Ziverdo kit | Clopidogrel


Is Zycolchin 0.5 taken daily?

  • Zycolchin 0.5 is used to relieve the pain of gout attacks. It is appropriate to take a single table 2-4 times per day until you sense the relief from pain or unless your doctor asks you to stop using a tablet. It is not suitable to take more than 12 pills during any one of the attacks.

How long should you take Zycolchin 0.5 mg?

  • After consuming Zycolchin 0.5mg to remediate a gout attack, it is recommended not to use more Zycolchin for at least three days. Also, after ingesting the tablet by injection for a gout attack, it is advisable to take any more Zycolchin injection or tablet for at least the next seven days.

How should Zycolchin be stored?

  • After purchasing the Zycolchin medication, it is advisable to store them at room temperature. Keep it away from direct sunlight and heat. Ensure you store safely away from a distance at animals and children.

Can I drive if I have consumed Zycolchin Tablet?

  • It is permissible not to drive after ingesting the Zycolchin medication. It has been inspected that this tablet may cause dizziness. So considering driving will be ultimately risky post consuming Zycolchin.

Can I take Zycolchin Tablet while breastfeeding?

  • Zycolchin medication has proved to be very safe to use for breastfeeding women. Still, limited sources have established that, upon using the Zycolchin tablet, no significant impact has been created on the nursing infant. 

Can I take Zycolchin Tablet during pregnancy?

  • Proper data has not been collected regarding the usage of Zycolchin tablets at the pregnancy time it/ is safe or not. The users should consult their doctor before risking the chances of involving in the treatment of Zycolchin medicine without a doctor’s consultation.

100 Tablet/s, 200 Tablet/s, 300 Tablet/s, 400 Tablet/s

Active Ingredient (Generic Name)





Zydus Cadila Pharma


10 Tablet In 1 Strip



Delivery Time

6 To 15 days


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